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Autoimmune Health Tips

Dry Eyes, Mouth, & Skin– Early Signs Of Autoimmune Issues

Are you challenged with dry mouth, dry eyes, dry skin, chronic coughing, or constantly fatigued?  Here are a few natural remedies for Sjorgren’s syndrome. Sjorgren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disease that is commonly mistaken for dry eyes and dry mouth, and can cause severe pain and fatigue around the sinuses, GI tract, lungs, kidneys, and nervous

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SCN & Anti-Aging

Regulate Your SCN For Sleep Quality & Anti-aging!

Consistent bed/wake times, with the rising/falling of the sun, are key for regulating your SCN (Suprachiasmatic Nucleus) resulting in improved sleep quality and anti-aging! Sleep helps restore the immune system, lengthen telomeres, and strengthen CD8 fighter cells against viruses and bacteria. Here is an example: Bed between 10-10:30p / Wake at 5-5:30a Staying within 30

Regulate Your SCN For Sleep Quality & Anti-aging! Read More »

Rice Wellness Center Blog

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Natural Remedies & Protocol

Are you challenged with UTI problems?  Here are a few natural remedies to consider, including a UTI protocol that may help. What is a urinary tract infection (UTI)?  A UTI can occur in the kidneys, ureter, bladder, or urethra.  It is the 2nd most common infection after respiratory infections.  90% of infections for UTI are from e-coli,

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Natural Remedies & Protocol Read More »

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