Anti-Aging Program EARLY 🐧 Special! Get Access NOW!

Flipping ‘Threat-Stress’ to ‘Challenge Stress’ for Anti-Aging!

Challenge stress vs threat stress, one helps with anti-aging, the other speeds up aging. Here are tips for extending telomere health! Protecting the so-called “aglets” of a shoelace but rather referred to in the body as chromosomes, is key for slowed aging and optimal cell health. Telomeres are little caps at the ends of your

Flipping ‘Threat-Stress’ to ‘Challenge Stress’ for Anti-Aging! Read More »


Flavonoids For Brain Health!

Flavonoids are proven to be superstars for healing or preventing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease– predicted to affect over 13 million Americans by 2050.  Aging is the major risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases, with oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction being the main drivers.   And, flavonoids are proving to be effective in mitigating or preventing risks

Flavonoids For Brain Health! Read More »

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