Rice Wellness Center
Welcome To My Personal Resources Page!
This is where you can find all of my favorite products that my family and I use all the time, or that we recommend in our Rice Wellness Center. All of these products have been diligently researched and reviewed to be clean and safe for you and your loved ones. I am evaluating for new and better resources all the time!
Please note: many of these links are affiliate links, so if you purchase any of these items through the links on this page, I may make a small commission, which is solely used to help keep our Rice Wellness Center going! Additionally, being affiliate allows me to access different promotions and return those to you as well.
I only link to products I personally use and support. Now enjoy the recommendations and let me know if you have any questions!
Do you use a product that you and your family trust but it is not listed?
Email it to me at [email protected]. I would love to learn more about it!
New resources will be added soon!